Curry misses a few weeks
The Golden State guard Steph Curry will be out of play for a few weeks because of a right sprain. Initial predictions by football partners are that No. 30 will be missed by Warriors at least until the end of December after being injured in the New Orleans victory.Against Pelicanans, he stepped on Ituan Moore`s leg, and then he had to leave the room with crutches. Curry scored 31 points and made 11 assists in 34 minutes, with a huge merit for the fourth consecutive win of his team. The two-time winner of the Most Useful Player of the Season has undergone a nuclear magnetic resonance review that has not shown too worrying results but has a huge swelling of the leg. In his absence, the moments of the playmaker`s position will be divided between Shawn Livingston, Patrick McCau and Andre Iguadala, and Kevin Durant, Draymond Green and Clay Thompson are also expected to increase.
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