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Please follow this link to register
What is average coefficient of football picks?
Our current average coefficient is 1.94
What if the coefficient dropped?
Our tipsters always give valuable predictions but we don’t bear responsibility if the bookies dropped the coefficient because of too many bets or lines movement.
Do you have free trial or free football predictions?
No, we don’t have any free trial and we don't send any free football picks.
What happens if football prediction is not winning?
If our football pick is not winning, you will receive 1 free football prediction as replacement at your account.
What types are your football predictions?
Provided football predictions are based on Asian handicap odds, Under/Over, DoubleChance, 1X2, Goal/Goal, Draws.
What kind of payments do you accept?
We acccept direct payments with VISA/Mastercard/Maestro or payments via Paypal.
Can I pay using credit/debit card?
Yes, we accept direct payments with credit/debit card.
After making a payment, what should I do?
Please login to your account and unhide football prediction you want.
At what time football picks are released?
Our football picks are released every day between 9.00 and 10.00 am +2 GMT
More Questions?
Don't hesitate to contact us in case of more questions.